
Welcome to White2Black. I started this blog as a white belt and am doing my best to keep it going through black belt. I will try and capture the best of Bjj, and I will give you a look inside my crazy mind. This blog will not be perfect, but it will convey my BJJ journey to you. I compete often so I will make sure I give you guys a piece of that as well. I am currently a Blue belt, I have competed at Pans, Worlds, and many other IBJJF tournaments, as well as local Naga, and smaller tournaments.

Blue Belt

Blue Belt
June 6th 2011

Monday, November 15, 2010

Takedowns Takedowns ...Takedowns?

Today, practice was awesome. I almost fell asleep on the way to class, I was just soooo tired, dont really understand why. Maybe cuz I only slept 8 hours. That has to be it, and I didnt even carbs before class. ....dumb me now that I think about it. So today in regular class we went over some cool sweeps from guard, I like this, I think they will really compliment my game today. I had a few good rolls, not many though. Out of 4....2 were good/okay. the other 2 were lamme. Had a guy lay and pray on me, and he is much stronger than I am....was SUPER annoying, I couldnt get him off me for the love of God. But who cares, will help my game in the long run I guess. I had my forearm in his throat, but I didnt apply the kind of pressure I wanted to. Ah well, I gotta get MEAN GRRRRRRRRR....but not with my teammates! Ah well, the real fun was when we started competition class. We worked on takedowns....as the post says, and working out of the front headlock position and the body lock. Was simply awesome. I took an area I sucked at, and made it something I am comfortable with. It was really an eye opener. It helps that my partner has been wrestling since he was 12....he REALLY hooked me up with some awesome tips.  I will share a few....1. Make sure to set up your takedown (bait them in or distract) 2. Make sure  your knee doesnt hit the ground too far from your opponent. 3. Drive through your opponent. 4. Don't look at the feet. Most I already knew, but the first one, I was really underestimating the power of a good setup! I'm much more comfortable shooting now, than I have ever been. Can't wait to shoot in tourneys!! Ah well, that is it for the day guys. I compete this weekend so that means no class tomorrow....gonna get some rest in....BUT I will be hitting the gym one last time on Wednesday, should leave me hungry for Jitz by Friday. RAWR.