
Welcome to White2Black. I started this blog as a white belt and am doing my best to keep it going through black belt. I will try and capture the best of Bjj, and I will give you a look inside my crazy mind. This blog will not be perfect, but it will convey my BJJ journey to you. I compete often so I will make sure I give you guys a piece of that as well. I am currently a Blue belt, I have competed at Pans, Worlds, and many other IBJJF tournaments, as well as local Naga, and smaller tournaments.

Blue Belt

Blue Belt
June 6th 2011

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Role Models

Something easily overlooked is our ability to influence others. It is my belief that martial artists should lead by example, especially higher ranks. Whether you teach, compete, or just love the sport you compete in you are a role model. You could apply this concept to just about any leadership role, or a role in which you are in public eyes. I say martial arts to point out something that really bothers me, I could give you countless names of people who epitomizes this. I could also give you countless names of people who do not. I understand that it is something to strive towards and not always achieved, but for goodness sakes. If you are in a position of authority, even more so around children or teaching children, you should not be using the F bomb. I was at a tournament recently where I heard AT LEAST 30 F bombs, not quite in one on one conversation, but LOUD F*** bombs. There were children around. It comes down to alot more than just swearing, it comes down to your actions, the core of who you are and how you behave, your beliefs. Many people may see it as cool or down to earth....I do not. In my mind we are raising the next generation to do better than we are, to be better than we are. I want my son to be a better person than I ever have been, and with that, I want other kids to have that as well. I want everyone to want that for their children. I still believe in ....it takes a village. Just a little blurp sorry I am rambling!!

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos">They are watching!
- I'll show you how great I am.

I felt great

So I must start off by saying I recently competed in IBJJF San Fran 2012. I placed 1st in Middle Blue Adult and 3rd in Absolute. It was awesome!! I started cutting weight at the beginning of the week and was right on point by Sunday when I competed. I would like to say I have never felt so good competing! Most times I have to dehydrate myself, and this leads to a very slow thinking, slow moving version of myself. This time, I had energy and food, I could think and therefore I could achieve what I knew I was capable of 1st place!! This is my first gold at an IBJJF, often times I run into a number of factors that do not go my way. It has been from dehydration all the way to mentally broken, but not at this one. I will be going again to IBJJF Chicago this weekend. A little sore but hey, comes with the territory. O O O and I fought me a bbbbbiiig boy, 320 lbs in the absolute, he pretty much gassed me lol. I need to work on my conditioning even more.
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos">1st Place Blue Middle Adult
- I'll show you how great I am.