
Welcome to White2Black. I started this blog as a white belt and am doing my best to keep it going through black belt. I will try and capture the best of Bjj, and I will give you a look inside my crazy mind. This blog will not be perfect, but it will convey my BJJ journey to you. I compete often so I will make sure I give you guys a piece of that as well. I am currently a Blue belt, I have competed at Pans, Worlds, and many other IBJJF tournaments, as well as local Naga, and smaller tournaments.

Blue Belt

Blue Belt
June 6th 2011

Monday, November 22, 2010

Some good stuff.

So class wont be held as much as usual this week, but I should still manage to squeeze in some good training. Had some good rolls today. In class we worked on a really good set up for crucifix/bow and arrow choke. It was not bad at all. Had some great rolls today. Was rolling all over someone....then they told me it was their 5th day....I lightened up!! Lol. Oops. Think all my rolls besides that one was with blue belts. I held my own fine, and was chasing them around :D Let go of one sub cuz I had it, but didnt want to hurt da "non tapping folk". So overall it was a great day. At the competition class we drilled grip fighting as well as some really great subs from half guard/side control. (both on bottom). It also helped me clear up a misconception with kimura's that I had previously had. It should add a certain....deadly dynamic to my top game :D We will see tomorrow. Ah well, post after tomorrows class as usual :D Night