
Welcome to White2Black. I started this blog as a white belt and am doing my best to keep it going through black belt. I will try and capture the best of Bjj, and I will give you a look inside my crazy mind. This blog will not be perfect, but it will convey my BJJ journey to you. I compete often so I will make sure I give you guys a piece of that as well. I am currently a Blue belt, I have competed at Pans, Worlds, and many other IBJJF tournaments, as well as local Naga, and smaller tournaments.

Blue Belt

Blue Belt
June 6th 2011

Saturday, November 13, 2010

And I thought it was open mat today.... :D

Today was supposed to be open mat, but as it turns out, Mr. Soto was there today. He is a brown belt that leads class sometimes when Mr. Alvarez is not there. We started out with some really good cardio. I thought it was gonna be easy, cuz I heard a rumor that he doesnt like cardio...Oh how I was wrong. Warm up was a hint rough, had some decent rolls today, but for the most part got rolled up like the white belt I am. I was in positions, knew the escapes, but did not execute.....I was just tired. No disrespect to the people who rolled me up, but I'm gonna be honest, the rested "Stingray" vs the non rested one....two completely different people when it comes to the mat. I stayed up last night playing COD Black Ops.....BAH. Never again will I let a damn video game (no matter how new or exciting) compromise my Jiu Jitsu. ....NEVER again. My state of body and mind ARE Jiu jitsu, so I must treat them accordingly and get the rest I need. Rest/Food are part of the tools I need before I even step on the mat. Ah well guys, sorry I was slacking on my posts. All caught up now. Oh and btw, the note taking is going awesome. I think at some point, I might start adding some of the stuff on here....not much though...if you want the full version...COME TRAIN WITH ME :P I'll make you a copy :D  Oh well, tomorrow/today since it is so late....lol is my day off (Sunday) then back to the mat on Monday. GAME TIME NEXT WEEKEND. ADCC BABY!!!! Need that sleep all week! Ah well, baby shower tomorrow, bed time now!