
Welcome to White2Black. I started this blog as a white belt and am doing my best to keep it going through black belt. I will try and capture the best of Bjj, and I will give you a look inside my crazy mind. This blog will not be perfect, but it will convey my BJJ journey to you. I compete often so I will make sure I give you guys a piece of that as well. I am currently a Blue belt, I have competed at Pans, Worlds, and many other IBJJF tournaments, as well as local Naga, and smaller tournaments.

Blue Belt

Blue Belt
June 6th 2011

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Spider Guard seminar!!!

Alright guys, sorry that this information is a day old....I was so tired after the seminar. Okay, so the low down...I did a Spider guard seminar with Orlando Waugh. A pretty big guy, if I had to guess 260 6.3-6.4 THAT IS MYYYY GUESS. Not sure if he is 2nd or 3rd degree, I found an old picture though , none were taken, was a small seminar. Buttt, I googled up a pic :P    It is at the bottom. We learned about 4 or so solid sweeps/ setups  as well as flowing between De La Hiva and Spider. I also learned from Mr. Vasquez (a purple at our gym) to not focus on the technique so much as the concept of the technique. It is good to learn moves, especially starting out, but if you can truly grasp the concept of it all, then you can apply it to other moves, in other situations. Mr . Waugh made a point to explain the "engine" or what really "drives" each move into completion. It was really nice. I started taking notes on all the moves that I  am learning, and also breaking them down. I have a long way to go!! On another note: Mr. Waugh can do the splits!!!! YUP. Not like kinda, but entire legs on mat, was pretty cool, and he moves like a  ninja!! Very humble, very respectful, the embodiment of what a martial artist should be. Ah well, gonna take everything I learned and apply apply apply it in class!! I will not give up on it, no matter how much it hurts my fingers!!!!

Mr. Orlando Waugh